lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

80's party for 18's birthday

These were some photos from the last Saturday night,when was my birhtday party,with some friends.Every body,as you can see,was dressed up like in 80's.We dressed up with clothes we found on the back of the cupboard,it was so funny!

After to be there,we went to a pub (with this cloths) for to be with some other mates.Can you imagine how people saw us at the street?

I think you can't see it,but in the 3º pic,my friend Álvaro was playing the harmonica.It sounds amazing played by him!
It was the best party I've ever had for my birthday!

                       Thank you friends!

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

Malta as my gift-memory for my B-Day

This are some photos from Malta,were I was the last summer.It is the hottest, smallest and amazing country I've ever been!

              1. La Valletta from a boat
              2. With some friends at night
              3. Mdina
              4. Mdina
              5. With some friends at Paceville beach
              6. Comino's island
              7. Valletta street
              8.Valletta coast

Yesterday I became over eighteen            Happy 18 for me! :)

domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Compañera de aficiones

This were some photos my friend Cristel and I took the last September at her house.

                         Dreaming with the best summer I've ever had

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

She dreams after she wakes up

De entre unos cuantos,escojes uno.Lo miras cautelosamente.Lo sacas de la funda de cartón algo antiguo y polvoriento.Abres la tapa del tocadiscos para situarlo.Cierras la tapa y presionas el botón de play.La aguja se mueve hasta situarse en el borde del vinilo y comienza a sonar la música.
Ahora simplemente disfrutas del sonido.

jueves, 6 de enero de 2011

The Three Wise Men

Estes fantásticos Reyes Magos nos visitan cada año cargados con regalos desde oriente el día 6 de enero.
La tradición popular católica cuenta que venían siguiendo una estrella para llevarle unos presentes al niño Jesús por su nacimiento,estes eran oro,mirra e incienso.
Nosotros,hoy en día lo que hacemos es escribir una carta con una lista de cosas que nos gustaría que nos trajesen y la noche del día 5 de enero poemos 3 cuencos de agua para los camellos en los que vienen y algo para que ellos se tomen después de un viaje tan largo como es venir desde el desierto.

Os deseo un buen día de Reyes y espero que os traigan muchos regalos.

I want to tell you a story:
Once upon a time Three Wise Men came from the desert guided by a star for to give some presents to Jesus who have already borned in a manger.This presents were gold,frankincense and myrrh.
Nowadays we write a letter were we ask for the gifts we would like to receive from them.The nigh before they come,we leave near to the Christmas Tree water for their camels and some food for them,because they are exausted after to the trip they have to do from the desert to our homes.

Enjoy your day and I hope they have given you some presents.